Houseplant Week: Your home is your sanctuary

Houseplant Week: Your home is your sanctuary

January is often perceived as a dull, grey post -Christmas blur. Its winter haze is the tunnel before the spring, but we don't think you have to wait until the slightly longer and warmer days in order to appreciate nature, in fact, the very essence of Houseplant Week is to bring life into your home, and inject with colours that inspire and uplift.

January is often perceived as a dull, grey post -Christmas blur. Its winter haze is the tunnel before the spring, but we don't think you have to wait until the slightly longer and warmer days in order to appreciate nature, in fact, the very essence of Houseplant Week is to bring life into your home, and inject with colours that inspire and uplift.

Houseplant Week UK

The second week in January is annually known as Houseplant Week. Its popularity over the past few years has grown to a nice and steady appreciation for the concept of nature bringing a little joy to the home, and to celebrate indoor gardening as a whole. 
For those who have very limited outdoor space, or even none at all, it can be a real time for you to home and explore the range of plants that you can grow from the comfort of any room in your house. A real learning curve for some, it is also an incredibly mindful way to garden and lose yourself in the maintenance of their growth. 

Good for the soul

Investing in houseplants not only brighten up a rather drab month, they are also incredibly good for you, quite literally.
Injecting a healthy dose of oxygen into the home will definitely clean up the air in your home. As well as this, plants release moisture into the air, which can refresh it and make it feel cooler – something you're bound to appreciate as the winter turns back to warmer months!
The beauty of caring for houseplants is that they are very easy to look after, whilst looking very pretty scattered around the home, adding much needed greenery to our spaces.

Working from home?

As working from home jobs and positions have catapulted in popularity and logic, those who sit at their home desks are likely to feel a little happier in doing so if they are greeted with a houseplant. Green is known to calm and inspire, as well as offer all the above benefits to those who purchase and keep them in their office spaces. 

There isn't a better time to love nature, and bring a little into your home. Why don't you perk up these grey and long January days with a little colour and happiness? We know we will be, both at home and in the Harrisons office!

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