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Make sure you are registered for our Heads Up Property Alerts Service to ensure you don't miss out on your ideal home. Register here:

Sittingbourne Branch Manager Ryan Denniss celebrates five years with Harrisons

We've won another award! We have now won a total of 7 in the past 7 months

We are changing the way you nominate your school for a laptop

It’s another bank holiday weekend!! Lots of events happening around Swale. If we’ve missed any, please let us know!

We all know that the cost of living is a hot topic right now. Household bills are going up day by day. Many people are struggling with the massive hike in energy prices, with most reporting a 50% increase on their monthly direct debit. Read these tips to see how you can cut back a little here and there to try and reduce huge monthly expenses?

You may have heard estate agents, or even on the news, saying it's a 'seller's market'. But what does that actually mean? How can you tell that it's a sellers' market? More importantly, how can this help you?

There are many different types of landlords. The INVESTORS who treat property investing as their full-time job are likely earning the most from their investments. So how can all landlords build a portfolio?

What makes people decide to move home? It's such a huge life decision to uproot the family, pack up all of your belongings and move to a different property. There needs to be a compelling reason to go through all of that upheaval, right?

Everything new to the market and sold across ME10/ME9 postcodes in the past 2 weeks

Head of Valuations/SalesI need your help, can you help me? ·       Who is an experienced agent with great listing ability and management qualities·      If you are dedicated in h